Wednesday 9 August 2017

Cake PHP

Hello Readers,

If you have clicked on this link you probably want an insight as to what is Cake PHP and how it works or how is it beneficial for you. For a person who has minimal technological knowledge it is very difficult to find a basic explanation as to what is Cake PHP. This blog aims to explain what Cake PHP is and how it can help to increase productivity in web development.

Cake PHP is an open source frameworkfor PHP. Cake PHP is the oldest and widely supported by community. Companies who work in Cake PHP intends to make developing and maintaining applications much easier. This framework is based on the MVC like architecture which is both powerful and easy to grasp - controllers, models and views guarantee a strict but natural separation of business logic from data and presentation layers.

Controllers: They contain the logic behind your application.

Models: They are the active representations of your databases.

Views: The template files that present their view to the user.

Well we all can get information on cake PHP on the internet. This architecture can help you to improve the maintainability and the organization of your site’s code.

The main question is what the benefits of using this framework are:
  1. ·         It uses simple design patterns which makes the coding part clear and easy to imply.
  2. ·         It uses the MVC architecture.
  3. ·         It is easy to understand.
  4. ·         It is quick and flexible.
  5. ·         It is highly secure.
  6. ·         It supports reverse routing.
  7. ·         Cost Effective.
  8. ·         Time saving.
  9. ·         Information Protection.

This is what makes Cake PHP not only different, but one of the most popular frameworks for PHP: its modest, yet important goal is to provide an appropriate structure for PHP applications.

Companies that use Cake PHP require a mature framework for PHP developers who want the structure and time-saving benefits of Ruby on Rails, without having to leave their comfort zone or get their head around obscure Ruby syntax. Using Cake’s scaffolding, it’s possible to build a prototype application quickly, using a minimal amount of code. And, with a large number of helper classes available to extend and customize your application while retaining a sensible and easily maintainable architecture, Cake makes the possibilities endless. Cake PHP is being actively developed, and is backed by extensive documentation and a lively support community.
This article has given you a taste of what’s possible with Cake PHP. Now it’s time for you to go off and do a little baking of your own! If you need any assistance in this framework you can contact us on our website Micra Systems and get the extensive information about the services that we provide.